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Wisdom Teeth Removal in Pocatello, ID

Remove Third Molars

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last set of adult teeth to emerge. They typically erupt during a person’s teenage years or early 20s but can start developing under the gums as early as ages 10–12. When these extra molars go untreated, they are notorious for causing oral health complications such as impaction and tooth crowding — therefore, most dental professionals recommend that wisdom teeth be removed early so that these complications can be avoided. 

Treatment is generally easier for younger patients who tend to have fewer complex extractions and faster recovery times. At our trusted Pocatello, ID, practice, we use the most advanced surgical techniques to ensure the very best results and the least amount of downtime for patients of all ages.

Why Remove Wisdom Teeth?

Most people have four wisdom teeth — one for each corner of the mouth. Much of the time, people’s mouths are too small to fit these additional molars, so removal of third molars is recommended in the early to mid-teen years before the teeth are fully developed.

There are many benefits to having your molars removed early:

  • Easier procedure and recovery for patients. Third molars are smaller at earlier stages of development, which leads to a less invasive procedure and a faster healing time for our patients. It’s common for us to hear from our patients how easy their wisdom teeth extraction was!
  • Prevention of oral health problems. Extracting the third molars early can prevent oral health problems before they occur, saving you time, money, and discomfort later.

Oral surgeons and their trained teams are specialists in the extraction of third molars at any developmental stage. Our oral surgeons are experts at administering anesthesia for the most comfortable extraction procedure possible, and you or your child will be constantly monitored by our team during your procedure. 

If you are interested in learning more about wisdom teeth removal at our friendly Pocatello, ID, practice, check out our Wisdom Teeth Removal FAQ, or contact our office with your questions or to schedule a consultation with one of our trusted oral surgeons, Dr. Baker or Dr. Jepsen. We look forward to caring for you and your family at Oral Surgery Specialists of Idaho.

Most dental professionals recommend that wisdom teeth be extracted early, before they begin to cause painful and costly oral health problems like impaction. If left untreated, the complications that can arise may require orthodontic or more complex surgical treatments to correct. A proactive approach to wisdom teeth is smart and cost-effective for several reasons:

  • Avoid costly (and painful) dental treatment in the future. Avoiding oral health issues before they arise, such as impaction, dental shifting, oral infections, gum disease, and damage or crowding of nearby teeth, is the main reason dental professionals recommend removal of wisdom teeth before they emerge into the dental arch.
  • Easier surgery/faster recovery. Young people tend to recover more quickly from the oral surgery to remove wisdom teeth because the teeth are less developed and therefore easier to remove — and the faster your recovery is, the less likely you are to require time away from work or school.

How Wisdom Teeth Are Removed

Regular dental checkups are important in the management of wisdom teeth-related oral health conditions because even wisdom teeth that appear to be growing in properly can change course and start to cause problems. Because wisdom teeth extraction can be more involved than a standard tooth extraction, when it’s time for the wisdom teeth to be removed, your dentist will refer you to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. 

Wisdom teeth extractions are usually performed under sedation, and oral surgeons are the dental professionals with the training and skill to administer this type of anesthesia. The oral surgeons of Oral Surgery Specialists of Idaho provide safe and expert wisdom teeth removal in the comfort of our Pocatello, ID, practice. 

First, you or your child will have a first visit with your oral surgeon where you will receive an oral examination and, if necessary, detailed 3D diagnostic scans to determine the position of the wisdom teeth and if and how they are impacted. The doctor will then create a treatment plan, including the type of in-office anesthesia that will be best for you or your child’s comfort. 

We offer several types of anesthesia at our practice; however, wisdom teeth extraction is most commonly performed under intravenous (IV) sedation. IV sedation means that you will enter a sleep-like state and have no awareness of the procedure taking place. For this type of anesthesia, you must not have anything to eat or drink (excluding prescription medications with a sip of water) for at least six hours before receiving IV sedation — and a responsible adult should be present to drive you home after surgery. 

The extractions will be performed in the safety and comfort of one of our two convenient locations in Pocatello and Blackfoot, using state-of-the-art tools and techniques. During the procedure, your surgeon will lift the gum tissue to expose the wisdom tooth (or teeth) and remove any small pieces of bone or abnormal structures blocking the growth path. If the wisdom teeth are already grown in, this exposure step will not be necessary. Sometimes, teeth will be broken into pieces to make them easier to remove. Finally, the surgeon will stitch up the surgical site(s), and you will rest until your anesthesia wears off.

We encourage you to schedule a consultation appointment with one of our experienced oral surgeons where every aspect of your wisdom teeth removal procedure will be explained to you before your surgery so that you can be as relaxed as possible. Your consultation is also a great time to ask any questions you may have about wisdom teeth removal at our welcoming practice.

Anesthesia Options

Oral Surgery Specialists of Idaho offers the following types of in-office anesthesia and sedation.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost in Pocatello, ID

We want wisdom teeth removal to be as easy as possible for our patients, so we like to make payment convenient. We accept several insurance plans and payment methods. Please contact us with any questions or concerns you may have — it is our privilege to help guide you through the process of wisdom teeth extraction at our Pocatello, ID, practice.

Hear From Wisdom Teeth Removal Patients

These patients can tell you about their firsthand experience undergoing wisdom teeth removal at our office.

Reviews From Our Wisdom Teeth Removal Patients

Sadie Reviews Her Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure

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"Hi, my name is Sadie, I’m from Silver Springs, and I had my wisdom teeth removed by Dr. Jepsen. The doctor’s office here is very welcoming. It’s cozy, it’s homelike, it doesn’t feel like a doctor’s office. The staff here is very welcoming. They’re very friendly and they make you very comfortable when you come here for a visit. Dr. Jepsen is very professional, yet friendly, and he makes everything very clear but very easy to understand. My wisdom teeth removal went really well, and everything healed up very nicely and everything’s great now. I had a really great time with Dr. Jepsen, and I highly recommend Oral Surgery Specialists of Idaho. "

Kohen Reviews His Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure

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"Hi, I'm Kohen from Pocatello and I came to Oral Surgery Specialists of Idaho to get my wisdom teeth taken out. When I first came into the practice, people were nice, friendly. The staff were friendly, welcoming. They were helpful. I've known Dr. Baker a while. He's a cool guy, awesome, real genuine. He did a pretty good job. The WUWTA videos made me feel confident that what was going to happen was going to go smoothly. The procedure was good. The recovery really was pretty good, too. It feels awesome to have a beautiful, healthy smile now. The overall experience was great. To all my friends and family in Shelley, I highly recommend Oral Surgery Specialists of Idaho."

Dylan Reviews His Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure

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"Hi, my name is Dylan, and I got my wisdom teeth taken out by Dr. Baker. The staff here is very nice and kind and welcoming. Dr. Baker made me feel more confident about my surgery. He really was energetic, and he answered every question I had. When we came in to schedule my appointment, he sat me down and he kind of explained exactly what he was going to do. I had a very good experience. For my friends and family in Chubbuck and Pocatello, I highly recommend Oral Surgery Specialists of Idaho."

Holly Reviews Her Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure

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"My name is Holly, and I live in Pocatello, Idaho. My child actually had his wisdom teeth removed by Dr. Jepsen. The staff are kind. We were both a little nervous, but they really made us feel comfortable when we got here, settled our nerves, and were very thorough — we appreciated that. The surgery was fast, simple; there were no complications — recovered fully, very easily. Dr. Jepsen is very warm and very friendly. My friends and family in Burley and Pocatello, I would highly recommend Oral Surgery Specialists of Idaho."

Katie Reviews Her Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure

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"My name is Katie. I am from Chubbuck, Idaho, and I came here to get my wisdom teeth removed. When I first arrived here, the staff was very welcoming. I was a little nervous before, but after coming here and seeing everyone, it was a very relaxing environment, and the surgery was super quick and easy. Dr. Baker was great. He makes you feel very welcome, makes sure you understand what's going on, and what he's going to be doing. My procedure done here at Oral Surgery Specialists of Idaho was great. For my friends and family in Burley and Soda Springs area, I would highly recommend Oral Surgery Specialists of Idaho."

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is wisdom teeth extraction painful?

Not at all. Our patients experience no sensation of pain and are completely unaware of the extraction procedure taking place because this type of oral surgery is typically performed under intravenous (IV) sedation (safely administered by your oral surgeon before the procedure begins). After your extraction, you may receive a prescription for pain control medication to help with any postoperative discomfort you may have. However, we find that often an over-the-counter pain medication can keep you comfortable.

2. How do I know if wisdom teeth should be extracted?

It’s recommended that children receive dental examinations every six months to track the development of wisdom teeth. This is important because wisdom teeth treatment should ideally begin long before any oral health problems arise because sometimes wisdom teeth that are already causing oral health issues can have no symptoms at all. If discomfort or swelling in the area behind the back molars does occur, or if you notice an unpleasant taste or smell in the mouth that may indicate an infection, it’s important to see a dental professional as soon as possible for a proper diagnosis and speedy treatment.

3. What is the recovery like after having wisdom teeth removed?

We find that two to four days is often enough recovery time for our wisdom teeth patients before they can get back to their normal daily activities and routines. Always follow your pre- and post-surgical instructions to help make your recovery go as smoothly as possible. Your surgeon may prescribe medication to help with any post-surgical discomfort you may have. However, we find that over-the-counter pain medication often keeps our patients comfortable. Please visit our oral surgery page to learn how to prepare for your upcoming oral surgery procedure, including recovery.

4. How do I prevent wisdom teeth impaction?

Everyone in the family should be seeing a dentist for regular examinations, imaging, and cleanings at least twice a year. This is particularly important for children in the early and mid-teens so that their wisdom teeth can be tracked as they develop. Complications from impacted wisdom teeth are no fun, so, when it’s the right time, your dentist will refer you to an oral surgeon so that you or your child can receive treatment to avoid problems before they begin.

5. Other questions?

Our staff is here to answer any questions you may have or to schedule your consultation with Dr. Baker or Dr. Jepsen to discuss your individual case, so please feel free to contact us at your convenience. Drs. Baker and Jepsen are experts in wisdom teeth extraction procedures for patients of all ages at our welcoming practice locations in Pocatello and Blackfoot.

If you are uneasy about receiving oral surgery to remove your wisdom teeth, it may help you feel more at ease about your procedure to check out some of the personal stories of our wisdom teeth patients.

Southeastern Idaho’s Premier Oral Surgery Destination

When you visit Oral Surgery Specialists of Idaho, you’ll access quality oral health care delivered with compassion and respect. We adhere to the highest standards of care and prioritize your well-being. By leveraging decades of experience and advanced technology, we provide a comprehensive suite of services designed to address your unique needs. Discover premier oral surgery services by scheduling a consultation at our practice. We can’t wait to be a partner in your journey to better oral health.