3D Scanning
Copyright ©Nuvolum 2025. All Rights Reserved.We are proud to use cutting-edge diagnostic tools that allow us to create detailed surgical guides for the most exact and least invasive surgeries. Digital 3D scanning provides high-quality images that result in a better surgical experience for our patients, including faster recoveries, and reduces the amount of radiation exposure you would receive from conventional X-rays. This technology also allows us to instantly and easily share your images with your referring doctor so that the entire medical team involved in your care can collaborate effortlessly.
Benefits of 3D Scans
3D scans provide comprehensive digital information about your individual anatomy and condition with far more detail than traditional X-rays.
Benefits of 3D scanning include the following:
- Exposure to a fraction of the radiation compared to traditional X-rays
- Highly detailed digital images of your anatomy and condition, viewed from every angle
- Improved diagnostic capability for efficient surgical planning and an easier, safer, and less invasive surgery
- Instantly available images for your oral surgeon to view and share with other members of your care team
- 3D digital diagnostic technology helps oral surgeons perform efficient and precise procedures for the very best surgical results.
3D Scanning in Pocatello and Blackfoot, ID
For the creation of your personalized treatment plan at Oral Surgery Specialists of Idaho, it is likely that you will receive 3D scans during your consultation appointment with your oral surgeon. If you have questions about 3D scanning at our Pocatello and Blackfoot, ID, practice locations, or if you are ready to schedule a consultation with Dr. Baker or Dr. Jepsen, please contact us. A member of our staff will be happy to help you.